Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Overall development

Over the past 3 weeks, I had been working on the promotional side of TV commercials by editing on the company's logo and the marketing report. This week, I have completed the moodboard, storyboard and TV commercial.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Wednesday, 25 May 2011


Based on my company image, profile and inspiration, this is the outcome of my moodboard.

Inspiration : Origami
Express : A fun and happy of mothers and daughter, play with colours and fashionable.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Final Video outcome.

Version 1: ( Raw )


Final Version 1


This is currently the final outcome of Just Like Mom's commercial video. 

Friday, 20 May 2011


Key Objectives

I have started working on my websites and coming up with all the necessary information that is needed to be reflected on my website prototype. I have also understand more about online games that children plays today based on cultural study research.

Next objectives

To complete at least half of my website layout with roll over effects and focus more onto the e-shopping game section. To start extracting points for my research on 'Games' about children based on cultural study research.

Analysis and Reflection

After the first tutorial with Rachel, I have benefited suggestive suggestion such as looking into cultural studies books based on Children in regards to gaming in today's society. After researching into online gaming for children today, I have gotten a better understanding on what type of games that girls of aged 0-9 wants and like. I, therefore, will be able to create a interactive online game site for them to suit their lifestyle.

Thursday, 19 May 2011


Key Objectives

I have completed my sketch reserach book, additonal sketches of my apparel designs and experimention of mainupulation of Origmai into my designs for apparels. Started on my business plan.Completing my story board for advertisement to be shown online.

Next objectives

To complete at least half or more of my business plan by the next tutorial. Going into more in-depth reserach points that are lacking. Rearranging

Analysis and Reflection

After the first tutorial with Rachel, I have benefited suggestive suggestion such as looking into cultural studies books based on Children in regards to gaming in today's society. After researching into online gaming for children today, I have gotten a better understanding on what type of games that girls of aged 0-9 wants and like. I, therefore, will be able to create a interactive online game site for them to suit their lifestyle.

Thursday, 5 May 2011


Key Objectives 

Over the week, I have selected the key looks for the lookbooks, campaigns and completing the editing of the 30sec advertisement commercial. I have also started on my web designs, trying out different sorts of roll over effects to bring out the brand essence of JUST LIKE MOM to meet the brand's consumer lifestyle.

Next objectives 

My next objectives are to complete the after effects of my online store website, coming up with the key information for on about the website and e-shopping works. This week, I will be researching in-depth on secondary research on children’s wear clothing market.

Analysis and Reflection

I was very pleased and satisfied with my photoshoot of lookbooks and campaigns as the images speak directly to the audience. However, I am aware that my 30sec advertisement commercial lacks of proper angle shots and I feel that it could be improved so much more if I could replace the model who could impose as a mother role more. 

Due to the lack of time and budget, this is the best I can come out with. Should I have extra time towards the end of this project, I would definitely look into reediting this film out my own leisure time.